Eden Stroll, #Tanka Tuesday, #Shadorma

Photo by Tom Allport on Unsplash
© Susan Joy Clark 2021

This is for Tanka Tuesday hosted by Colleen M. Chesebro. This week, it’s Poet’s Choice, but Colleen suggested we try magnetic poetry, so I put this poem together on a site called magneticpoetry.com and used the Nature Poetry kit, then took a screen shot of my finished poem. It was interesting working with preselected random words.

26 thoughts on “Eden Stroll, #Tanka Tuesday, #Shadorma

  1. It turned out very well. I didn’t know there was an online version! Thank you for letting us know, now I’m hooked for the day! That’s okay, it’s supposed to be 104 degrees later, and what else will I be doing in that?

    1. 🙂 I’m glad you find the site useful. Thanks also for thinking my “magnetic” poem worked out well. It was a bit tricky. 🙂 104? Goodness! What area are you in?

  2. I come out smarter whenever I visit Colleen’s Tanka Tuesday group. These magnetic words are online? Wow. I really wondered about those.
    I bought a set a very long time ago for the kids and marveled at the grown up words on yours. Online. Screenshot. I’ll try that. Thanks so much.
    And yes. I absolutely loved the shadorma. Lovely. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Yes, I did a search and found the site. The finished poem was supposed to be shareable to Facebook, but I couldn’t make that work. The screen shot did. I hope you can have fun with it. I never had a “real” set of poem magnets, but now, I think I might enjoy that. Thank you also for the nice comment on my poem. 🙂

  3. Well done.
    You could easily arrange some of the words to be a tanka. Here are two:

    the pure rose tendril
    in forest with wild flower
    we walked ancient stone

    we walked ancient stone
    in forest with wild flower
    rose tendril our Eden stroll

    1. Thank you. 🙂 Yes, those work too. 🙂 It’s fun to think about. I picked the shadorma form before I even tried to see how the words fit into a form. I saw it was on the list of accepted forms and just wanted to try something different. Thank you for the nice comment.

      1. And yours worked well. It takes a little more work to fit magnetic poetry into a syllable count, but it’s always fun to play with.

      2. Thank you. It was a bit tricky. I think I “added words” at one point just to help smooth things out a bit. Most all of the words came from the first set given though.

      3. Very interesting. 🙂 Thanks for sharing. I’ll have to check it out. Now, I’m back on the site, working on a tanka (though I didn’t plan on it.)

    1. Yes, it was fun. I went back to the site and created a few more magnetic poems. I added a few of those here too. 🙂

  4. It’s lovely, and worked so well for your first time. As Ken said, sometimes Jane and I use it as a source of inspiration, and use some of the words.
    Even if you stick or pretty much stick with the Oracle’s given words, you can still combine them by overlapping tiles to make a word you want.

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