I Want To Be Home

Photo by Samantha Gades on Unsplash

I want to be home,

Sweet solace of home,

To kick up my feet

In repose complete,

To sip from a cup

That will warm me up.

I want to be home.

I want to be home,

The refuge of home,

To sit with a book,

In some quiet nook,

And shut out the noise

That no one enjoys,

I want to be home.

I want to be home,

My own cozy home,

Covered in a wrap,

A dog in my lap,

Play classical airs,

Resting in my chair,

Please, can I go home?

© Susan Joy Clark 2021

This poem is for a dVerse poetry challenge, to write a poem with epiphora or epistrophe. According to dictionary.com, epistrophe is, “the repetition of a word or words at the end of two or more successive verses, clauses, or sentences.”

21 thoughts on “I Want To Be Home

  1. Oh, I really feel this. Home is that feeling where we can belong and you capture that cozy, comforting feeling it gives. Beautifully and evocatively written. <3

    1. 🙂 I’ve been enjoying home quite a lot lately and do a lot of work from home. Still, this is how I feel often when I’m away from home and either tired or stressed. (I’m a migraineur also, so that’s a factor.) Thanks for your nice comment.

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